Tree Sale 2025
Click HERE to place your tree order
Click HERE to place your tree order
Thanks for your interest in the 2025 Greene SWCD Tree Sale, we are excited to offer 10 different species this year!
This year we are taking all orders via Google Forms allowing you to reserve your trees. No form of payment will be taken for your tree reservation until you pick up your trees on March 19th.
How to reserve trees?
We have preordered a limited amount of the species listed, so from NOW until we SELL OUT the Google Form will be available to make reservations. Much like any online order, you will choose what trees you want and the quantity. All species will be sold in packs of 5 bareroot seedlings. Given that we have only ordered a limited quantity of each species, the sale will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Each species has it's own dropdown menu under its infographic. You can reserve multiple packets of each species by selecting a number of packets from the dropdown menu. The number on each drop down menu is representative of 1 packet of 5 seedlings (ex. 1 = 5 seedlings, 2 = 10 seedlings, etc).
What forms of payment will you accept?
All trees purchased must be paid for with cash or check only. No credit cards payments will be accepted. Payments only accepted on date of pick-up, we will not let you pick up your order without payment.
When do I pick-up my reserved order?
Pickup will be help on Wednesday, March 19. You may pick-up your order anytime between 7:30AM and 6:00PM.
Where do I pick-up my reserved order?
At the Greene SWCD Office. 1363 Burnett Dr. Xenia, OH 45385
Do we pay sales tax?
Yes, we are required by the state of Ohio to collect sales tax on all orders. Sales tax is already built into the purchasing cost of each bundle. If you require tax exempt please contact Grace at (937) 416-3768 to file the proper paperwork.
What happens if I forget to pick-up my tree reservation order?
If you do not pick up your reserved trees on Wednesday, March 19 and do not contact us to make alternative pick-up arrangements prior to 6PM on pick-up day, your reservation will be forfeited. Forfeited trees will then be opened up to public sale.
What if I forgot to reserve trees?
If you did not place a reservation, there will be a very limited amount of trees for sale on Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21. We cannot guarantee all species will be available for public pick-up on either date.
Other Important Information:
We can neither alter the contents of packs upon request, nor deliver them to your home. The plants are nursery inspected to be disease free. Greene SWCD is not responsible for their survival after they have been picked up by the customer. Due to the nature of the sale there will be no refunds. If a species is not able to be supplied by the nursery due to disease, reservations can be replaced with another species or removed from the order total.
Submitting a reservation does not automatically guarantee the availability of the packets requested. Reservations will be accepted and confirmed by us on a first-come, first-served basis. It is our intention to confirmed the availability of your order with you by the within the next 1-2 business days after your order is placed.
If you have any questions or need help reserving your trees please call Grace at (937) 416-3768.